eagle-i Universidad Central del CaribeUniversidad Central del Caribe
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Animal Resources Center

eagle-i ID


Resource Type

  1. Center


  1. Resource Description
    "The Animal Resource Center is staffed with specialized personnel in animal care and handling to support research and education activities. The center houses small and large animals in its 7,700 squares feet facility and provides information concerning purchasing, basic husbandry, quarantine, and veterinary medical care of laboratory animals. The center also provides technical assistance and advice dealing with animal species used for investigation and supports the research programs by making readily available animals, materials and animal husbandry supplies. The center is equipped with specialized areas to provide the following services: necropsy, stock and treatment, quarantine, bedding, cage washing and storage. The facilities also include an experimental surgery area with surgical, scrub, sterilizing, and recovery rooms."
  2. Contact
    Torres-Rivera Betzaida
  3. Website(s)
Provenance Metadata About This Resource Record
  1. workflow state
  2. contributor
    irivera (Irves Rivera)
  3. created
  4. creator
  5. modified
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